Friday, April 6, 2012

"Pirate shirt" refashion

This project was not really meant to be a pirate shirt. I was going more for the 'white dress' look like this one:
It was my husband who said I looked like a pirate. He assured me it was a sexy pirate so the project was not a total failure and I did wear it one full day without taking it off. I'm never sure a project has really worked until I've worn it a full day. This shirt started out in a thrift store in the morning and that same day was transformed. I must be on a role!

Here is the shirt in it's original form:

Thinks I liked: it had a nice cool fabric (I looked for fabric content and couldn't find it. I later did and it is about 45% polyester. I would have preferred all cotton but things turned out OK anyway).  The shirt was long but the collar was not ridiculously too big. So - I picked out the shoulders and cuffs. I drew on some lines for pin-tucks (hand basted them) and then put it back on the judy to check the shoulder lengths.

 Looked good so I sewed down the pin-tucks and ironed. Then sewed the shoulder back on. I lowered the cuffs a little bit to fit into the wrist slits that already existed. This simplified re-applying the cuffs. All in all the project only took about 2 hours - much of which was picking out and pinning which could happen in front of the TV (I'm working my way through Life Unexpected on Netflix).

Here is the finished product. I originally wore it tucked in and by the end of the day it was out and belted on the outside. Works pretty well both ways.

Another time I will be more careful to get a shirt that is 100% cotton because I think it will hang better.

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